Archive for the ‘Scotsch’ Category

99 Hanover Street Cocktail Menu

June 1, 2010

The 99 Hanover Street menus have been out for a wee while now, but the Fringe Programme has been gobbling up all my time – Anyway, better late than never here’s a few pictures of it in situ along with the labels for the food menu that never was… More after the break


Johnnie Walker Gobo

March 28, 2010

Thought of this ages ago during the Johnnie Walker bottling plant closure. Anyway here it is in all its striding glory. I had to adjust a few parts of the logo to get them sitting on green … but it still looks like a Johnnie Walker logo* …

With 40,000** gobos Diageo would have a nationwide guerilla ad campaign promoting walking home after drinking instead of driving. And that’s how I’ll sell it to them!
