Archive for the ‘Fringe’ Category

Another year, another Fringe…

March 16, 2010

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is gearing up again! 126 ads booked so far and the ad booking deadline is on Friday! Bets on 370 ads are paying out evens!

Programme redesign is going well too. I don’t think I’m allowed to put up any screen grabs yet… Next week should be ok…

Old Work, Newly Discovered

February 24, 2010

A wee animated gif for the Scotsman website. As part of the contra deal between the Fringe and the newspaper I had to design them adverts!? I’m quite fond of it considering I had twenty minutes to come up with something.

Lamps – Ambient Lamps

January 16, 2010

In 2007 and 8 we were very lucky in the publications dept at the EFF in regard to the number of exhibitions listed with us. We seemed to always have a multiples of 14 (ie 14 listings per page). In 2009 we came a cropper. One short of a perfect spread). Jenny Peebles and I had the foresight to create our own listing, a fake show… Taboo in the office but I have very little time for sacrosanct tradition.

Our listing was so good (or weird) that it made it onto The‘s top show to see at the fringe.
